Chair of Admin. Council
Scott Walter, 2024 (First year)


Marcus Dodson, Chair
Paula Markert (2024)
Kay Blackstock (2024)
Barb Kline (2024)


Stephanie Taylor (2024/1st yr.)


Lay Leaders
Paula Markert (2024/5th yr.)
Scott Walter (2024/3rd yr.)


John Lefler (2024/2nd yr.)

Asst. Treasurer
(vacant at the present time)


Board Members at Large {not official)
Joe Haraschak (2024/1st year)
Drew Prusiecki (2024)/2nd yr.)
Cynthia Wood (2024)/2nd yr.)


Finance Committee
Andy Harvill Chair (2024 2nd year)
Brian Singleton (2024)
Fred Markert (2026)/1st term)
Cynthia Wood (2026)/1st term)


Stephen Wood/Chair (2026)
Carole Guffey (2024)
Mimi Elder (2026)
Peter Elder (2026)


John Holbrook (2024/Chair)/Extending an additional year
Kay Blackstock (2024)
Barb Kline (2024)

Michael Taylor (2026)
Fred Markert (2024) (ex-officio non-voting member)

        Memorial Garden-chair*


Building Committee

Tom Blackstock Chair (2024 2nd year)
Carole Guffey
John Lefler
Paula Markert
Scott Walter



Fred Markert (2024/Chair ~ 1 year extension)
Judy Lefler (2024)
Bobbi Moore (2024)
Elizabeth Dice (2026)
Betsy McColskey (2026)
Kellie Prusiecki (2026)
Cynthia Wood (2026)


Worship Committee
Marcus Dodson (Pastor)
Beth Holimon (Chair/2026)

Louise Miller (2027)
Tamsin Freeman (2026)
Charlie Steele (ex-officio non-voting member)
Nancee Salyer/ Hospitality Chair* (2024) (ex-officio non-voting member)
Don & Carole Guffey/ Ushers*Chairs (2026) (ex-officio non-voting members)
Elizabeth Dice (2024) (ex-officio non-voting member) – Wedding Coordinator*


* Denotes offices and committees fall outside the Book of Discipline but have been determined to be helpful to the function of Lake Toxaway UMC’s ministry.


* Denotes offices and committees fall outside the Book of Discipline but have been determined to be helpful to the function of Lake Toxaway UMC’s ministry.