Lake Toxaway United Methodist Church Missions (formally Outreach) Committee
The purpose of the Missions committee is to support our partner agencies in Transylvania County through time, talent and treasures. The Scholarship committee is a subset of the Missions committee.
LTUMC Partner Agencies (10):
The Sharing House
Gods Way Food Pantry
The Haven
Cops for Kids (via the Transylvania County Sherriff’s office)
The Center for Women
North Toxaway Baptist Church Food Bank
The Bread of Life
The Children’s Center
The Family Place
See below for more details:
LTUMC Partner NON-Profit Agencies:
The Sharing House – located in Brevard. They are a source of compassion and crisis assistance for under-resourced neighbors with food, clothes, showers, used cars for those needing transportation to work.
Gods Way Food Pantry – located in Balsam Grove. They provide food, fresh vegetables, nutrition information to families. They mentor those in life skills, gardening, and food preservation. Classes. They encourage sharing of extra food from gardens started from seedlings GWFP provides.
The Haven – located in Brevard. They are a shelter and provide respite for who are suddenly or unexpectedly fallen into homelessness or those who may be chronically homeless. We provide meals 4 weekends a month and provide new beds for those moving into permanent homes.
Cops for Kids (via the Transylvania County Sherriff’s office) – located in Brevard. A child is paired with an officer over breakfast and then shop for a gift for the child. The children are seeing a different side of law enforcement through positive interactions.
The Center for Women – located in Brevard. They are Christ-centered ministry serving women facing unplanned pregnancies and/or parenting challenges. They provide not only free ultrasounds and support through pregnancy, and classes for families.
SAFE Inc. – They are located in Brevard. They prevent domestic and sexual abuse, support those affected, and increase awareness in the community. There is counseling, Stacey’s House, a shelter for individuals, children and their pets, and outreach.
North Toxaway Baptist Church Food Bank – located in Lake Toxaway. They serve the Lake Toxaway, Sapphire and Quebec communities with food and household items twice a month.
The Bread of Life – located in Brevard. They provide nutritious meals in a safe and secure environment and to share food with those in need in Transylvania County.
The Children’s Center – located in Brevard. They partner with parents and a variety of agencies who work with children in Transylvania County to meet the goals of providing a safe, nurturing, and healthy home environment.
The Family Place – located in Brevard & Rosman. They help families grow and strengthen relationships, encourage nurturing and emotional support within the home, and assist the development of social and emotional health.