Fellowship Dinner

From February 26, 2025 6:00 pm until February 26, 2025 8:00 pm

There will be a fellowship dinner on Wednesday, February. 26 at 6:00 PM.  This will be an Italian night with the main dishes provided by The Prayer Ministry Group.  If you would like to bring something, we would invite you to consider bringing salad, bread or dessert.  Please communicate by email to Saunders at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday, February 24 at noon if you plan to attend so there can be adequate food prepared.  We are inviting you to consider asking a neighbor or friend to come with you.  If you know someone who is a part of our fellowship who has not attended church recently, call them and offer to pick them up.  We also plan to have an “icebreaker” again as a way of getting to know each other better.